‘Het Baken’ Schiermonnikoog//= get_the_date( 'd/m/Y', $the_id ) ?>

Information centre ‘Het Baken’ on Schiermonnikoog is a multifunctional, sustainable building in which Natuurmonumenten and VVV Schiermonnikoog bring their expertise together.
We had the pleasure of carrying out a nice assignment there.
When we asked why PETpanel in Information Centre ‘Het Baken’ was chosen, we received the following answer:
“We wanted a large map of the island Schiermonnikoog in the information centre. Instead of a print, we chose a map made up of eight different layers of PETpanel that were cut. These layers show where the dunes are, the beach or, for example, the forest is. With the PETpanel, we were able to dampen the room a little in terms of acoustics, and the fact that it is made of recycled material suits Natuurmonumenten’s principles. The map also works as a bulletin board: pins can be pinned to the map with information such as places of interest and current walking routes.”
For the design of the relief map, exhibition designer Wendy Rommers, together with one of Natuurmonumenten’s foresters, compiled the different layers from various source maps. The wall-filling relief was produced on behalf of deFine, which was responsible for the construction and realisation of the exhibition in Information Centre ‘Het Baken’.
Design: Wendy Rommers
Executer: deFine
Dealer/supplier: Asilva